Stopit Campaign Highlights Family Harm and Sexual Violence

New Zealanders are being asked to speak out as a campaign is launched to highlight family harm and sexual violence. Christchurch organisation Aviva aims to highlight concerns around sexual consent.

The 2023 New Zealand Crime and Victims survey showed that more than one million adults experienced at least one act of sexual assault - that's around 27 per cent of the adult population. 

Aviva's sexual violence service manager Jo Bader said,  "the figures were at an intolerably high level and part of the reason behind Aviva’s ‘Asking for stop’ campaign". 

General manager Gwenda Kendrew told RNZ that people need to speak up when witnessing concerning behaviour. 

She said sexual violence thrived in society when unhealthy attitudes and behaviours were allowed to continue. 

"As a community we cannot afford to look the other way," she said. 

"That's why we are doing this campaign - to help people understand that sexual violence is all too common. It's not enough to think someone else will say, or do, something to make it stop" 

The campaign includes practical tools, including language people can use to call out inappropriate behaviours. It also encourages people to stand up against sexual violence in their communities and businesses can also sign up for free workplace workshops. 

Among the advice included in the launch; 

  • Challenge harmful narratives - actively question derogatory comments and attitudes
  • Intervene in concerning situations - if you feel physically safe to do so then say something directly to the person behaving in a harmful way
  • Have clear boundaries - make it known that disrespectful language and behaviours are not acceptable
  • Encourage open communication - listen to concerns and different perspectives and provide a safe space to discuss issues
  • Model equality and respect - At home, demonstrate gender equity and respect in family interactions. At work provide training for staff and prioritise safety at all times.

For more information visit 


Pasefika Proud and many others in our community take family violence and sexual violence very seriously.All forms of violence are crime. 

You have the right to be safe.If you are a victim of violence or abuse, or there is someone that makes you fearful, threatens or harasses you, seek help as soon as possible.   

Ifyou’refeeling angry or worried you might hurt someone, call, or message one of the helplines below. Help is available.   

You are not alone. Talk to someone you trust. The national helplines listed below have people ready to listen and help,whetheryou’reexperiencing violence or abuse, worried you might hurt someone, orareconcerned about others.   

Ifyou’rein danger,call the Police on111. 

If youcan’tcall for help,get out of the house and ask a neighbour or someone else to call111. 

If you are concerned that you or someone else will be harmed,phone the Police on111.Whenit’snot safe to talk,press 55 if you require emergency assistance. 

Call the helplinesto find out how to help someone else if they are telling you they are being harmed or ifyou’reconcerned. We have a collective responsibility to look out for and help victims, their families andwhānau, and to ensure people stop using violence. 

CLICK HERE for Auckland Family Violence Service Providers 

CLICK HERE for Family Violence Service Providers Outside Auckland 

CLICK HERE forMinistry of Social Development Family Services Directory