
Pasefika Proud develops and provides downloadable resources relating to family violence, including frameworks, research and infographics. 

Talavou o le Moana Pacific Youth19 Report

Talavou o le Moana summarises key findings for Pacific secondary school students in the areas of ethnic and gender identity; family and faith; socioeconomic environments and housing; education; friends and community connections; physical, mental and sexual health; substance use; and healthcare access. This data report gives a vital snapshot into the lives of Pacific young people. This information was collected as part of the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey, the latest in the Youth2000 survey series conducted by the Adolescent Health Research Group (AHRG). The findings highlight the resilience and strength of Pacific talavou (young people), and the complexities they must navigate.

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National Pacific Practitioners’ Fono Report 2023

For NGO and community practitioners working in the areas of family violence and/or sexual violence.
On 6 and 7 July 2023 Pacific practitioners working in the areas of family violence and/or sexual violence met for the first time at a national fono in Auckland, New Zealand. This report identifies the key themes and messages from the Fono to serve as a base document to inform future planning and implementation with a particular focus on frontline practice, workforce development and practitioner wellbeing.

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A Wellbeing Report

Voices from Pacific Women and Girls in Aotearoa, New Zealand

This report published in November 2023 by P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc and supported by Pasefika Proud seeks to understand factors contributing to Pacific women’s wellbeing through a mixed methods approach. The report drew on past literature to gauge how Pacific peoples are portrayed in data and research, specifically Pacific women.

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Moui Olaola – National Niue Strategic Wellbeing Plan 2023–2025 is proudly created and presented through the collective efforts of Niue communities in Aotearoa New Zealand and Pasefika Proud.

Niue community mobilisation to fakatutala has been the driver to bringing forward the development of this plan to realise the wellbeing aspirations of Tagata Niue in Aotearoa.

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Pasifika People In Youth Justice System Report 2023

Understanding the views and experiences of Pasifika youth and their parents/caregivers about mental health and wellbeing was the key focus of this research. Due to the overwhelming numbers of Pasifika youth in the justice system, alongside the over-representation yet under-reporting of Pasifika youth in mental health, these two areas were merged to: 1. Explore mental health problems and substance use among Pasifika youth with offending behaviour. 2. Examine culture, family and spirituality and their association with mental health. 3. Understand the experiences of the youth justice system for Pasifika youth and how they came to offend.

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Pasifika Protective Factors for Family Violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

This research was contracted by Pasefika Proud in 2019 and published June 2023. The aim of the research was to develop an initial set of protective factors from a literature review and consultation around Aotearoa New Zealand that could serve as the foundation for further work on Pasifika resilience and protective factors in the area of family violence.

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Kāiga Tokelau Wellbeing National Strategic Plan 2022–2026

Kāiga Tokelau Wellbeing National Strategic Plan is a project led, developed, written and endorsed by Tokelau Aotearoa New Zealand communities in Ashburton, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hutt Valley, Invercargill, Manawatu, Oamaru, Porirua, Rotorua, Timaru and Taupo.

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National Fijian Wellbeing Plan 2022-2025

Lalawa Ni Tiko Vinaka

Lalawa – National Fijian Wellbeing Plan 2022–2025 is the product of the collective effort of Fijian community leaders and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) through Pasefika Proud’s Path for Change strategy. It arose from a talanoa process to socialise the topic of “wellbeing” (tiko vinaka) followed by the development of a plan to realise the wellbeing aspirations of Fijians in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Pasifika Power & Control Wheel Translation Project Report 2021

Published by Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence
Gender-Based Violence Educational Resource Development Initiative. The Pasifika Power and Control Wheel Translation Project is part of the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence’s (API-GBV) initiative of translating and developing educational resources and tools on gender-based violence (i.e. domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking) in indigenous Pasifika languages.

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Social Citizenship Education (SCE) Programmes In Schools

The Pacific Community’s (SPC)’s Social Citizenship Education programme, as part of the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership), equips school students and communities to understand and apply human rights and responsibilities, gender equality, inclusion and non-violence. This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union and the Governments of Australia and New Zealand, and UN Women.

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