Home / Workforce development / Pacific Competency (Addressing Family Violence through Pacific Cultural Frameworks) /Pacific Competency (Addressing Family Violence through Pacific Cultural Frameworks)
WORKFORCE CAPABILITY TRAINING has been developed to target qualified Pacific practitioners such as social workers, counsellors (etc), and non-Pacific practitioners, either working specifically with Pacific families in the area of family violence or who are working with Pacific families and deal with family violence incidences or support as part of their wider work.
Key Info
Throughout the year, face-to-face, ethnic specific workshops are delivered in English. The ethnic specific programmes give participants an in-depth insight to cultural approaches to family wellbeing when dealing with family violence,.
The workshops also covers the importance of wellbeing for frontline practitioners, unpacking the cultural frameworks and the application of the theories into practice.
They will also gain an understanding of the context of Pacific families and their value systems.
For more information on Workforce Capability Training Click HERE
COMMUNITY TRAINING is capability and capacity building programme available for churches and communities. The programme looks at how communities can take action using their own cultural ways or framework to address issues such as family violence. The 1.5 day training programme draws on cultural knowledge which can be used as protective factors in addressing family violence. More importantly, it empowers our people for change.
For more information on Community Training Click HERE
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