Family Violence / Sexual Violence Accessibility Grants

In 2023, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) received time-limited funding to improve access to Family Violence and Sexual Violence (FV/SV) services for disabled people/tāngata whaikaha Māori (the Accessibility Fund).

This initiative responds to physical, digital, and information-based barriers disabled people experience when accessing FV/SV support services. There are various workstreams associated with this initiative, which you can find out about via the Accessibility Fund webpage.

In May 2024 MSD announced the upcoming opportunity to apply for FV/SV Accessibility Grants and Disability Awareness Training through MSD’s Accessibility Fund. A pre-requisite of grant funding and training is to complete and submit an accessibility self-assessment. 

The self-assessments are designed to help providers assess the accessibility level of their services and premises, including physical, digital, and other forms of accessibility.  They can also be used to inform funding applications and to explain what it means to be accessible.  

Here we share the accessibility self-assessments. CLICK on links below to download word documents. 

IF you have any queries, you can contact the MSD Accessibility Fund team at 

This is not the official self-assessment required when applying for the FV/SV Accessibility Grant or Disability Awareness Training.  The official online self-assessment (and accompanying documents) from 1 July 2024 via our MSD Accessibility Fund webpage HERE