Calls for Stalking to be Illegal

The Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children is calling for Pacific support in its efforts to make stalking illegal in Aotearoa.

It wants New Zealand to follow the lead of overseas countries, such as Australia, USA, and UK where stalking is illegal. 

Without such a law it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, for victims of stalking to get the protection they need. 

The Coalition is in the process of gathering signatures to present to Minister of Justice, Paul Goldsmith, in an effort to get him to make good on noises he made prior to the election, when he criticised the previous Government for dragging its feet in this area. And it is encouraging those in the Pasifika community to sign the petition.

The Coalition says stalking is a pattern of unwanted, repetitive, and persistent intrusions into a person's life. 

It's not just physical stalking either - common actions include digital stalking, showing up uninvited, or constantly driving past someone's home or workplace, posting on social media, sending unwanted gifts, contacting people close to the victim and threats. 

While there are no stalking data figures in NZ (New Zealand), harassment and threats, which are consistent with stalking, are two of the five most common crime experiences. 

Stalking can take a heavy toll on a victim's emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing and is designed to control a victim through intimidation. 

"I always thought, at the beginning, that if I could just ride it out then he would stop. But that never happened, and it got worse and worse. It was very, very scary ... There was never a time that i could ever escape it," one victim told the Coalition. 

In a letter to Minister Goldsmith, Coalition chair Leonie Morris described stalking as "terrifying and predatory behaviour". 

When asked for a comment by Newshub, Minister Goldsmith said youth offending and gangs remained the government's priority for now. But he said a stalking law would certainly be addressed sometime in the life of the current Parliament.


Pasefika Proud and many others in our community take family violence and sexual violence very seriously. All forms of violence are crime. 

You have the right to be safe. If you are a victim of violence or abuse, or there is someone that makes you fearful, threatens or harasses you, seek help as soon as possible.   

If you’re feeling angry or worried you might hurt someone, call, or message one of the helplines below. Help is available.   

You are not alone. Talk to someone you trust. The national helplines listed below have people ready to listen and help, whether you’re experiencing violence or abuse, worried you might hurt someone, or are concerned about others.   

If you’re in danger, call the Police on 111.  

If you can’t call for help, get out of the house and ask a neighbour or someone else to call 111.  

If you are concerned that you or someone else will be harmed, phone the Police on 111. When it’s not safe to talk, press 55 if you require emergency assistance.  

Call the helplines to find out how to help someone else if they are telling you they are being harmed or if you’re concerned. We have a collective responsibility to look out for and help victims, their families and whānau, and to ensure people stop using violence.

CLICK HERE for Auckland Family Violence Service Providers  

CLICK HERE for Family Violence Service Providers Outside Auckland  

CLICK HERE for Ministry of Social Development Family Services Directory 
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