Need help or to talk?
Help is available when you need it. Pasefika Proud is sharing some information on some free online and phone services set up to support our communities through difficult times.

Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. You’ll get to talk to (or text with) a trained counsellor. The service is completely free.
Are you feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to? Call or text 1737
Are you feeling down or a bit overwhelmed? Call or text 1737
Do you know someone who is feeling out-of-sorts or depressed? Let them know they can call or text 1737
Just a note that if you are trying to contact 1737 from a place that uses an in-house switchboard system you may not be able to because of the way that’s been set up. If that’s the case you can get in touch by calling free on 0800 1737 1737
1737 is part of the National Telehealth Service. You can contact the National Telehealth Service on 09 354 7774 or
Aunty Dee
Sometimes life sux. If your problems are getting you down, messing you up or just plain muddling with your brain, talk to Aunty Dee. She’s here to help you figure out your problems.
Aunty Dee is a free online tool for anyone who needs some help working through a problem or problems. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, you can use Aunty Dee to help you work it through.
Quite simply, Aunty Dee will guide you to:
- List your problems
- Generate ideas
- Find a solution
You can use Aunty Dee to work through one problem, or you can ask about many problems and use Aunty Dee over and over again – it’s completely up to you.
And you can use Aunty Dee on your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or personal computer. Because it’s a web-based tool, there are no big apps to download that use up your device’s storage space or your precious data.